Quality custom made speciality badges at an affordable price!
If you are looking for a pin badge that is different from the norm, look no further!
Our speciality badges can be finished in a wide range of glittery colours and stones. Many other options are available, our experts will help guide you through the easy process of designing your speciality badges from start to finish.
Our custom made speciality badges are extremely affordable and finished to a very high standard.
*Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please email us below.
Get In Touch For An Instant Quotation!
Call us to discuss your requirements – freephone: 0800 612 8407
Additional Information
Minimum Order: 25 units per design.
Bulk Discounts: Available on quantities of 50/100/500/1000+
Popular Metal Finishes: Gilt (Gold Colour) / Nickel (Silver Colour) / Dye Black (Black Colour) / Antique Copper (Bronze Colour) – Many more available.
Enamel Finish: Hard Enamel / Soft Enamel / Transparent Enamel / Glitter Enamel.
Additional Finish: Epoxy Coating (at additional cost).
Colours: Matched to universal Pantone Reference or CYMK.
Size: Made to any size (25 mm is most common size).
Lead Time: 3/4 weeks from artwork approval.
Fittings: Free – Butterfly Pin fitting on all badges as standard.
Alternative Fittings: Safety Pin / Tie Pin / Tie Clip/Slide / Magnetic / Self Adhesive / Cufflinks (at additional cost).
Price: Our prices are tailored to your specific requirements – Please contact us directly.
Presentation Box: Available at additional cost.
Further Discounts & Cost Saving Options Available: Please contact us directly for further info.